About Rory
I'm Adopted!
Since you’re reading this, you’re obviously looking for a new best friend—and, hey, so am I! I’m Rory. When I am not busy being nosy, I adore getting lots of love and going on walks, the longer the better. I’m a busy bee so with some practice I would be a great walking/running buddy. Oh, how I dream about running with my forever human in the backyard after I get rid of these pesky heartworms. I can’t wait to feel one hundred percent again! Do you like playing with toys? I cherish all the toys I get and take very good care of my temporary apartment at Paws Place. So to sum things up, I am a happy go lucky girl who likes to have fun! So, what do you say? Wanna be besties?
- Gender: Female
- Breed: Lab Mix
- Size: 56 lbs
- DOB: September 9, 2018
- Ready: Ready
- HW: Positive