Hi, My Name is Pandora!

About Pandora

Hi! I am Pandora! I am a 30lb, 2 year old ball of cute! I mean look of my scruffy little body! Overall, I am your typical, lovable, belly rub lovin, free spirited, ball of sunshine who is ready to take on the world with my forever family! I may be small but my love for my humans is mighty! I would like to go ahead and tell you that I am pretty picky on the dogs I like and dislike… this meaning that I would prefer to be the only dog in your home, but I am willing to meet your four legged friend. Welp it sounds like it is dinner time so I gotta run but I am so excited to meet you! See you soon!

Pandora is located at our rescue facility – 242 George II HWY, Winnabow NC 28479

We are open Tues-Sat 10am-2pm.

No appointment necessary.

Check out our adoption process on our website!

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Attributes: Affectionate, Free spirit, Dog selective, Playful