About Oddie
I'm Adopted!
My name is Oddie, and I found myself at Paws Place with my sister Neera, when our parents realized they were not able to care for us any longer. It’s been a tough time adjusting to shelter life after being in a real home, but my favorite part is all the attention that I get! I love the pets and cuddles that the people here give me. As nice as everyone is here, I really want to find my new forever home, but I also really want to stay with my sister! We are very small and really don’t take up much room. We get a little too excited when we see cats so we think a dog only home would be best. Come on out to the kennel to meet me and my sister. We can’t wait!
- Gender: Male
- Breed: Chihuahua mix - male
- Size: 11.5 lbs.
- DOB: December 24, 2013
- Ready: Ready (would like to adopt with Neera)
- HW: Negative