Hi, My Name is Moxie!

About Moxie

Hey I am Moxie, and I need to be honest. I am not sure why I am still here… Unfortunately, I will be celebrating my 1 year with Paws Place on April 23rd… and I gotta say that I really hope to find a home before then. Listen, I LOVE my humans here at Paws Place. They love me, feed me, shelter me, and spoil me. But I am just a girl who wants to lay in the sunroom soaking up the rays, a girl who loves a good ole fashion movie night on the couch. I am literally just a girl, ya know? So here are some fun facts about me… eh mostly fun. I am 5 years young, about 60lbs, my nickname is “Pet Rock” and I am not a fan of cats. I just need to go ahead and clarify that one. I am dog selective; this just means that I am a picky girl. I am housebroken, a wonderful houseguest, and I love to sun bath. Like a lot. I just love the warmth. I am a heartworm disease survivor, and I do have a little bit of that thing they call arthritis, but ya know, I really do not let it bother me much! Okay I think that is it. It was so nice to meet you and I hope to see you again soon!

Moxie is located at our rescue facility – 242 George II HWY, Winnabow NC 28479

We are open Tues-Sat 10am-2pm.

No appointment necessary.

Check out our adoption process on our website!

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Attributes: Affectionate, Walks well on leash, Dog Selective – No Cats