Hi, My Name is Monkey!

About Monkey

Hi, I’m Monkey! I’m 14 weeks old and growing more every day. I’m one of six sisters, but I’m the one with the most unique color—brown and white with a little touch of black to make me extra special. I love to play, run around, and get all the belly rubs. My tail never stops wagging, especially when I’m surrounded by my sisters and humans. I’m full of energy, curiosity, and so much love to give! Can’t wait to keep growing and show you how cute I get!

Monkey is located at our rescue facility – 242 George II HWY, Winnabow NC 28479

We are open Tues-Sat 10am-2pm.

No appointment necessary.

Check out our adoption process on our website!

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Attributes: Affectionate, Curious, Playful, Typical Puppy