About Marlo
I'm Adopted!
Fish gotta swim… birds gotta fly… I gotta sing and sing until I FIND MY FOREVER HOME WITH YOU! (Fooled ya, didn’t I?) I’m Marlo, and I’m so full of energy that my friends think I could be a great companion for an active human, because apparently the opera is not hiring right now. As a hound, I always follow my nose and am very curious of all the smells around me. Since I am always on the go, trying to smell out my next adventure, I’d prefer someone who will leash train me so I can be outdoors with you! Do you like to hike? Or go on long walks on the beach? Or maybe just run around in the yard with me? If so, I’m your man! Want to sing along with me?
- Gender: Male
- Breed: Tri-Hound
- Size: 42.5 lbs.
- DOB: February 15, 2016
- Ready: Ready
- HW: Negative