About Gilligan
I'm Adopted!
Looking for a young active pup? That could be me, or my identical twin brother, Griffin. That’s right. There are two of us, double the pleasure. We came from a county shelter as an owner surrender. Really can’t explain why, but maybe it is for the best. Since our arrival here, we love to meet people. We are also learning some manners, you know, the basic kind like walking on a leash & sitting for a treat. While we are getting everything updated and neutered, you can still come visit us and even put in an application if we are a good fit. So hope you will drop by real soon and ask to see the twins!
- Gender: Male
- Breed: German Shepherd Mix
- Size: 40 lbs
- DOB: April 13, 2019
- Ready: Mid Oct.
- HW: Negative