Hi, My Name is Bokhee!

About Bokhee

Hey there I am Bokhee! Do not let my size scare you, I mean yes I am a large dog, 60lbs to be exact but I am just a big ole lover girl I swear! I have been at Paws Place for 288 days now. During this time I have met so many friends, completed heartworm treatment and as fun as it is… I am beyond ready to find my human. Someone who will love me for me. I am just ready to spoil someone with all of the kisses and snuggles I can. And believe me, I have tons of them! I know that my family is out there somewhere and I sure do hope to meet them soon! My dream is to celebrate my 4th birthday in a new home with my family! Eating lots of (dog friendly) cake!

Bohkee is located at our rescue facility – 242 George II HWY, Winnabow NC 28479

We are open Tues-Sat 10am-2pm.

No appointment necessary.

Check out our adoption process on our website!

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Attributes: Affectionate, Curious, Knows Basic Commands – Sit