About Alexa
I'm Adopted!
Meet Alexa! We pulled this spotted hound dog from one of the local county shelters. She is so sweet and just wants to be a lap dog. Weighing almost 50 lbs, some would consider her to big for that. Well, Alexa thinks otherwise! It was almost too difficult to snap a photo of her because all she wants to do is melt in your lap for some loving. Alexa is around 2 years old and has the cutest spots on her coat. Alex is heartworm positive but she has already started the first step of treatment. Hopefully she can go home before treatment is over! What do you say? Have room in your home for 50 lbs lap dog?! Come see Alexa!
- Gender: Female
- Breed: Hound mix
- Size: 47 lbs
- DOB: June 20, 2015
- Ready: Ready
- HW: N/A