Location and hours of operation
- Mailing address: P.O. Box 67, Winnabow, NC 28479
- Physical Address: 242 George II Highway, Winnabow, NC 28479
- Phone: 910-845-7297 (Please leave message. Calls will be returned within 24 hours.)
- Fax: 910-845-8622
No weapons are allowed on the premises.
The kennel is open to visitors Tuesday through Saturday from 10-2.
Holiday / Special closures:
- Independence Day, 7/4
- Thanksgiving Day, 12/27
- Christmas Break, 12/25-12/29
- New Year’s Day
The following protocols for visitors to Paws Place are in effect:
- Foot “baths” are provided for sanitation prior to entering kennel area
- Dogs will only be shown in outside kennels; there will be no admittance to the inside kennels.