About Polo
I'm Adopted!
I’m a serious hound when it comes to my brow wrinkles but make no mistake, this nose is the best tracker in the world! I’m Polo, a sweet-natured 6-year-old fella that loves people and is very outgoing! I would love to have a family that wants to cuddle and also has a fenced yard so we could play Marco-Polo …. When I get excited, I like to sing to my captive audience, it’s quite the show! But, what’s even better, is that I have lots of love to give to the right, special family. Is that you? I’ll be looking for my visitors and can’t wait to give you the ’nose of approval’.
- Gender: Male
- Breed: Hound Mix - Male
- Size: 39 lbs.
- DOB: August 5, 2013
- Ready: Ready
- HW: Negative