About Plum
I'm Available!
Hi I am Plum! Just your average hound looking to find a new adventure! I am 6 years old, and a bit underweight but my friends at Paws Place are working hard to get me in good shape! I love to play, snuggle, I am very sweet and curious of all the things around me! I may love to play but I am also pretty laid back and ready for calm low key evenings by the tv! I am still new around these parts so I am still finding my way but I know that I am loved and safe here! I hope that I find my new family soon and can make new memories with them!
Plum is located at our rescue facility – 242 George II HWY, Winnabow NC 28479
We are open Tues-Sat 10am-2pm.
No appointment necessary.
Check out our adoption process on our website!
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- Gender: Female
- Breed: Hound Mix
- Size: 36lbs +
- DOB: December 9, 2018
- Ready: Ready
- HW: Negative